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Shindig Watch: Round One, Week Five

By only

Wednesday October 10, 2007

Competitors: The Skedaddlers, Hawaiian Bibles, Treacherous Machete

Who Won: Treacherous Machete
Who Should Have Won: Shenanigans!

Only Jokes for Beer: One, and one steal (plus the best heckling since ’04).

Brynna: What? Bands played?
Annie: “Who was the least awful?” – Cam
Chuck: Do I have to be the one to say the Blues Hammer thing?

Next week: JPNDRDS, Lownote, Vonnegut Dollhouse

Only’s CiTR Shindig Watch team is Brynna Childs, Annie Forrest, Chuck Ansbacher. We’re at the Railway every Tuesday to overrule the verdict and out-judge the judges.

Full schedule here