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Credit Check

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Tuesday May 15, 2007

-20 STOP THE PRESSES! Shocker! Mayor Sam Sullivan has dismissed a investigation into the Chief Constable for taking freebies and interfering with a probe into police brutality. A first for Vancouver! Really? Who woulda thunk it woulda been dismissed?

+ 5 Hide the snake behind the fridge, the Province is going to rewrite the rules about keeping exotic animals in your kitchen.

- 5 Thompson Corporation merges with Reuters to create a massive news and financial information agency. Here’s a financial bulletin from the future: “We have twice the staff we need now, so we’ll have to lay off some journalists.”

-10 Heather Stilwell is such a pill. The ancient, anti-gay, Heritage-party-running Surrey School Board trustee wants schools to show The Great Global Warming Swindle as a companion to An Inconvenient Truth. Credit Check doesn’t have a problem with kids seeing the flick and learning to think critically about media but considering all sides isn’t really Stilwell’s forte.

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