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Monday September 24, 2007

- 5 The Iraq War is costing America $3,850 per second, which, if you haven’t been keeping track, is the exact same as if it were Canadian money!!!

+2 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is coming to America this week for a summit at the UN,. While there, he hopes to visit Ground Zero and the Seinfeld diner, as both are seen as comedic meccas in his country.

+2 While Ahmadinejad sight-sees in New York, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have stepped up their don’t attack us rhetoric. Their number one reason not to attack Iran? Iraq.

- 1 Marcel Marceau, the world’s most famous mime, has died. Sadly, his dreams of world peace were never realised.

- 1 The Seattle Super Sonics want to move from Seattle to Oklahoma City, where people have a much better concept of what a Super Sonic is.

Today: - 3 This Year: - 42