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By only

Wednesday August 1, 2007

- 10 While Vancouver’s surrounding municipalities reach agreements with their striking civic workers, the NPA puts forward a motion to use free-range eggs throughout the city. [via Bill Tieleman]

+8 Years after the B.C. government gave women services five-across-the-eyes, a number of social groups are calling for a restoration of funding citing that they are tired of saying that they ‘fell down the stairs’.

- 4 Rudy Giuliani criticizes public health care, stating Government cannot take care of you. You’ve got to take care of yourself. He then went on to encourage Americans to disband local law enforcement in favor of independent militias, reasoning that police are insensitive to the victims of 9/11 since “they haven’t changed their phone number yet.”

- 2 Despite the fact that half of the foreign insurgents in Iraq are coming from Saudi Arabia the U.S. is supplying the Saudis with advance weapons to the fight against Iran. Who may or may not want to kill us all.

+4 The United Nations will deploy 26,000 troops to Darfur. The UN may not have heard, but the war is in Iraq.

+1 Rich Americans want higher taxes for themselves. They should move to Canada.

- 11 Fucking yoga jeans?

Today: - 16 This Year: +206