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Thursday July 19, 2007

- 5 As crime declines across Canada, it rises in Vancouver. According to Police Constable Howard Chow, it’s mostly just junkies looking to fund their habits. Oh, awesome. So then there’s just a really easy solution to the problem, right? More treatment and everything? Um, no? The solution is more cops? To solve our drug problem? Aaaah yes, that makes… sense?

+15 Civil Servant Pizza Party!!!.

+20 Blair to Murdoch: Yeah, Rupes. We’re totally going to jump in there. Is America familiar with the Beckhams? Oh it’s Britney over there? OK, um… can you get her to show her nasty bits on the telly while we do a speedy in-out of Iraq next week? Yeah, cheers mate.

+ 3 A new survey suggests that up to 85 percent of men who download explicit sexual images of children also molest them, which is in stark contrast to the three percent of men who download regular pornography and also engage in sex with women.

+ 7 Iranian students create a video game called Rescue the Nuke Scientist to counter a US produced video game called Assault on Iran. Man it is time to get those crazy Iranians before they get us. If this doesn’t convince you, well… you must be one of them.

Today: +30 This Year: +208