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By Adam Thomas

Monday October 6, 2008

ONLY PICK: The Hunger

We’ve spent the last two weeks catching up on like, 5 years of Prison Break, and are all about prison right now. So it’s well timed that British artist turned director, Steve (not that) McQueen’s film about the life of IRA prisoners, in particular Bobby Sands, during a notorious hunger strike in Ireland’s infamous Maze Prison back in the 1980s should prove to be such an unblinking and deeply effecting re-examination of the emotional and political struggles people went through in an effort to gain independence and humanity. It is one of those rare achievements where tone and theme pour out of every frame but there is such honest precision that it’s tempered with intelligence and grit and is way better, in a lot of ways than Prison Break.

ONLY suggests…

10:00 am – GR7 – The English Surgeon
02:30 pm – GR3 – Welcome To the Sticks
04:00 pm – GR7 – Control Alt Delete
06:00 pm – GR5 – Jay or p.77
07:15 pm – GR6 – Achilles and the Tortoise
09:15 pm – GR3 – Hunger or p.143
09:30 pm – GR2 – Let the Right One In

Location Guide: GR1,2,3,4,5,6,7=Granville 7 | VCT=Vancity Theatre | PCT=Pacific Cinematheque | RID=Ridge