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By Adam Thomas

Monday September 29, 2008

ONLY PICK: Action Boys

Sorry screenwriters, but it’s the stunt people who are the true unsung heroes of the movies. Unless your name is Woo-ping Yuen – only one of the word’s best stunt coordinators – you are probably unknown and badly bruised. This documentary takes a look at the South Korean film industry and the young men who try out for a place in the Seoul Action School. But it is a tough ride. A really tough ride. Both the physical and mental demands are so intense only 3 of 36 applicants stay with it long enough to actually find work. There are broken limbs, teeth, egos and dreams all crammed into this biting little documentary. And while many filmmakers would simply settle for some thrills and spills in their exploration of stunt men, to his credit, director Jung Byung-Gil manages to explore more than just the obvious. He gets to the meat of the matter and looks at the psychology behind these guys’ choices and looks at how their bodies are used and fantastically abused. AOT

ONLY suggests…

10:00 am – GR7 – Eternity Man
10:30 am – GR2 – Three Monkeys
01:30 pm – GR2 – Action Boys or p.79
02:00 pm – GR4 – C’est Pas Moi, Je Le Jure
03:00 pm – GR5 – Mock Up on Mu
03:00 pm – GR1 – High Noon
03:45 pm – VCTLucky 7
07:15 pm – GR6 – Paruthiveeran
09:00 pm – GR4 – United Red Army
09:15 pm – GR3 – Helen

Location Guide: GR1,2,3,4,5,6,7=Granville 7 | VCT=Vancity Theatre | PCT=Pacific Cinematheque | RID=Ridge