Oh wow. Remember how much fun it was last year? Well it’s gonna be twice as fun and half as awesome this year. This year’s Vancouver International Film Festival is gearing up and we got our media passes and gala invitations and have been drinking steadily for the past three months, building up our tolerance, so that we can totally out drink all the famous directors we’re gonna party with. We’re never going to pass out on that red carpet again. But it’s important to keep this in perspective. The festival is not about the parties…it’s about the movies, those works of art and love that will continue to linger in the frames of our minds long after we have remedied our last hangover. This year there is a strong Canadian showcase and lots of movies about animals, which is cool because we like both of these things. Unless you’re planning on voting for the Conservatives. Then we just like animals. Also there are movies from both Madonna and her hack of a husband Guy Ritchie, so you know we are itching to see if Madge can do a better job directing than she has of acting – not tough. There are movies about science, the internet, drag queens and crazy westerns and tons of bleak French films about bad relationships. Needless to say, navigating the festival can be a bit over whelming so true to our love for you, we have put together the most comprehensive, daily festival guide around. We got the guide for free so we thought we’d pass on the savings to you. That’s how nice we are. Just check in every morning for a daily list of ONLY’s suggestions and our pick of the day. We don’t suggest you print it off, that’s bad for the trees, just carry around your laptop so you can check it out whenever, because electricity is free. OK. Go to it.