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Je M'en Fous

By Adam Thomas

Thursday February 7, 2008

Ahh le cinéma. Le plus beau des arts. C’est de la motion et de la photographie, comprimées des moments qui existent toujours, et en même temps, jamais. Ahh le cinéma. Je vous rencontre à côté du jukebox. Nous pouvons écouter de la musique ensemble et plus tard nous ferons l’amour. Et après…ont fument. Ahh le cinéma. Je vous regardes, mais toi, tu me vois pas. Oui? Non.

It’s kind of unfair just how well people who speak french make movies. Ever since Georges Méliès made Voyage to the Moon in 1902, the French have been been making movies like they own them. From Duchamps to Godard and Truffaut there is just something frustratingly poetic about French cinema. Hell, the word “cinéma” itself is French, and they also coined cinéma vérité. And New Wave is theirs, but of course it’s really pronounced Nouvelle Vague. And as if to rub it in, Québec has been making the best films in this country for years. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a faire? A reasonable bet would be the 14th Annual Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois et Francophone . Coming up this week there is a short programme, films shown only in French, films in French with English subtitles, a couple of films in English and some of it is even free. The list is long and the festival runs until February 16th, so check the website or take a gamble… or as they say in grade eight level french… Je m’en fous.

French Film Festival @ Vancity Theatre February 6th-16th