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Feb 18, 2007

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Sunday February 18, 2007

Documentary: The Cats of Mirikitani

Jimmy Mirikitani is a fiercely independent octogenarian artist who was born in California and raised in Hiroshima. By 2001, however, he was living on the streets of New York City. On 9/11/01, after the World Trade Center collapses, the filmmaker thinks of Jimmy and finds him still outdoors, coughing in the toxic dust. Although he has refused help before, she impulsively brings him to her apartment. With her role suddenly changed from witness to advocate, the practical and patient Linda learns more about Jimmy’s painful history: from his internment in Tule Lake from 1942-1946, to the US citizenship he was pressured to renounce, to his family killed in the bombing of Hiroshima.

Plus: Kitty Cats!

Vancity Theatre 1181 Seymour 7:15 pm