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Killer Deadly

By Cameron Reed

Friday September 15, 2006

This city is squirting out bands like a catholic mother. Ben Lai says that there were 90+ submissions for Shindig this year. I also spoke to Jeremy who books Fake Jazz Wednesdays at the Cobalt and he says that they’re booked up until November and it hasn’t even started yet. It’s exciting to hear about all these new bands but I’m sure we are going to wish that some of them ended up at the bottom of a sock instead.

Speaking of wanking, Can’s Damo Sazuki and his band of hippies from Nelson were a thorough disappointment. *Jesse Gander*’s new project Ghost House was fun though. Sort of a punk rock Elton John. The newest all-girl band White Lung was awesome at the Columbia on the 2nd. Thanks for keeping the Hole covers to a minimum.

This Saturday the 16th Ora Cogan and Sean Wesley Wood are playing at Blim with some other solo musicians making precious music. If that show sounds like your thing I highly recommend checking out Anni Rossi at Lamplighter on the 26th, she plays beautiful avant-pop with a viola and tap shoes. Subtle bring their sexy hip-prog jams with *Doseone*’s hobo ramblings to the Plaza on the 17th. Man Man on the 30th at the Media Media Club and Daughters will be leered at the next night at the Lamplighter. I heard somewhere that Burnside started Treacherous Machete to get laid. If that’s true, I have to say that after seeing them on the 9th he should be knee deep in the genital of his choice. I also heard somewhere that Pride Tiger got signed to EMI. I think we’ve got a candidate for the “next Tragically Hip“. Shhhh!?