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Tuesday May 20, 2008

By only

Tuesday May 20, 2008

If it’s still drizzling a bit tonight but not raining all crazy and you’re in the mood for some acoustic guitar, The Crackling and Ora Cogan are playing at Lime (used to be Rime) on Commercial.

On the other hand, if it’s still drizzling a bit tonight but not raining all crazy and you’re in the mood to possibly laugh, Bronx Cheer is having it’s semi-regular sketch night at the Montmarte Cafe (28th & Main). No guarantees, but it’s free.

On the other hand, if it somehow miraculously becomes gorgeous like it was on Saturday, get drunk in a park until the sun goes down and then go to Friendship at the Astoria for an hour or two and then go back to the park and drink more. Bring a stereo.