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Saturday April 19, 2008

By only

Saturday April 19, 2008

Is all art artifice? That depends. Are all things that hang on the walls of art galleries art? One might assume so, especially at an art gallery with the stated mission of presenting “work that is exploratory, challenging, critical and… fun,” (not to mention the desire to “maintain a standard of excellence”). But tonight, the Grace Gallery (Main @ 3rd) has flushed their mission statement down the toilet. On display on the gallery’s relatively virginal walls will be the vain, talentless, deluded, self important “works” of two popularity obsessed girls named Lindsay. Our distaste for what these girls and their kind do has been well documented. They and those like them are truly the lamest part of every party, and arguably the worst thing to happen to photography in the history of photography. Displaying these photos on the internet is annoying enough, but to actually lend any sort of credence to their endeavor by giving them a public forum to display their bullshit is literally retarded. We understand that galleries have bills to pay and beer to sell, but how do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously if your walls have been sullied with what might politely be described as complete fucking garbage? There is no excuse.