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Dozens porotest at Tropic Thunder premiere

By only

Tuesday August 12, 2008

Dozens porotest at Tropic Thunder premiere:


Dozens. DOZENS. That has to be the single least significant amount of protesters to EVER become newsworthy. Literally, 24 people. That’s what dozens means. You know what else 24 people did today? EVERYTHING! 24 people were probably killed when the captive polar bears they were trying to rape devoured them. 24 people probably sneezed so hard that the left side of their brain came out of their nose. There are hundreds of millions of people living in America, and you’re reporting on 24 people protesting a movie? THANKS CNN!


ok.  A few (3 or more) days later and still funny…but really raping polar bears, surely only a handfull (5) people would try that in a day.