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Help Only create a Canadian Newspaper Circulation Chart *Updated*

By only

Tuesday October 27, 2009

The Awl this morning published an excellent chart that clearly shows how US newspapers have fallen off the cliff. Fun stuff, but we don’t care about US papers. What’s the deal with the Winnipeg Free Press, we’d like to know. That’s where you come in.

Only needs you get get circulation data for the Sun, Province, Globe & Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, La Press, Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, and Winnipeg Free Press for 2004 – 2009. The easiest place is to find it year-by-year is CARD ( which is in the library.

Only has a spreadsheet here where you can stick in the data. Yes, anyone can edit it. We trust you.*

But Only, you ask, why don’t you just haul your own asses down to the Central VPL and look it up yourself?

To which we answer, that is indeed a very good question.

We’ll put the chart up as soon as we get the info.

UPDATE That worked well. Why are you still reading Only? So, 2004 – 2009 is done and we need 1999 – 2003. If you are near the library, please chip in. (Also a good resource for this: World Almanac.)

* We don’t really trust you.